MNP -How much cost and time to MNP?- What is Mobile Number Portability?- How to send MNP SMS? Like Bsnl to airtel,idea to uninor 20 January 2011 Today


Change your Mobile operator, Consumer is the King now... MNP%20How%20much%20cost%20and%20time%20to%20MNP%20%20What%20is%20Mobile%20Number%20Portability%20%20How%20to%20send%20MNP%20SMS%20Like%20Bsnl%20to%20airtel%20idea%20to%20uninor%2020

MNP-Mobile Number Portability Website For Changing Mobile Portability will enable India’s mobile phone users to switch to their preferred network provider without changing their number from one mobile network operator to another. Starting from 20-01-2011, mobile users around country able to switch Telecom operator without changing phone number. The service is available to the over 600 million mobile phone users across the India. MNP will target consumer who will be concerned about not changing their number but would want to take advantage of better service and facilities. A recent survey by newspapers revealed that one in six mobile phone subscribers want to switch over.

How it works???
All customers have to do is send an SMS with their mobile number to 1900 (SMS PORT <mobile number> 1900) to get their unique porting code. After this, the process is essentially the same as getting a new connection. This service is likely to appeal to customers who were previously willing to spend more rather than give up their old numbers.
How much cost and time???
To MNP Cost and time shouldn’t be a major deterrent, since switching to another network is only 19 rupees ($ 0.40) and it takes about five days. A good chance for smaller operators to broaden their consumer base through improved offers and customer support. The MNP service will definitely make the market more competitive.

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