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Fantasia’s sex tape story seems to be starting out very similar to how the other sex tapes were introduced into public, except this time it is a wife making the accusations.
According to Us Magazine, Fantasia Barrino, an American Idol winner, is implicated in a divorce as the “other woman”. The wife. who is accusing Fantasia of sleeping with her husband, Antwaun Cook, is also saying they recording their romps on a sex tape.

Recent B list stars have boosted their bank accounts with the releasing of  a sex tape that either their “old boyfriend released behind their back”, or “they weren’t aware of being taped”.  The only one who has come right out and said she has a sex tape and wants to be a porno star is Montana Fishburne. The rest of the semi famous gals have all had a story about the “appearance of a sex tape”.
Fantasia rode high on her American Idol win, but she has not been in the headlines for some time now and seems to be fading into American Idol retirement club.  Now a sex tape would turn this around and Fantasia could get at least another 15 minutes of fame out of this deal.
This is purely speculation, but it just has a ring to it that seems to a story that could precede the announcing of a sex tape. There might be no such thing as Fantasia in a sex tape, and this could really be the cry of a scorned wife, but what if……well, what if it is another great marketing strategy like Kendra Wilkinson presented with her sex tape being released.
Kendra was going to fight the release of her sex tape with a legal team, when it was discovered that it was really Kendra doing the selling of her own tape.
Fantasia is a little different than Kendra, who was in the Playboy mansion and part of a light sex industry with her image in Playboy. Fantasia has a history of being more of a goody two shoes, (not meant as an insult) than the rest of the women who have starred in a sex tape.
Fantasia’s manager addressed the “breaking up a marriage” charges today but did not touch on the sex tape rumor. Brian Dickens tells Us Magazine that Fantasia is in no way responsible for the breaking up of the Cook marriage.
The sex tape may or may not exist, only time will tell as this story unravels.
“It is hard to believe that Fantasia would participate in a sex tape”, said one Connecticut American Idol fan. “Fantasia was religious and family oriented when on the Idol, so this seems far fetched for her character”, said another Connecticut fan of Fantasia’s.

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