The President of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil has wished all the Parsis on their New Year. She said, “On the auspicious occasion of Navroz

The President of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil has wished all the Parsis on their New Year. She said, “On the auspicious occasion of Navroz, I convey my greetings and good wishes to all my Parsi brothers and sisters. May this festival reinforce our commitment to synthesis, harmony and goodwill towards all.”

Nowruz or Navroz, the Parsi New Year will be celebrated tomorrow that is, Thursday, August 19, 2010. In India, Navroz is also known as Pateti.
Parsis or the Iranis or Zoroastrians celebrate this festival by going to their worshipping place called as ‘Fire Temple’ or ‘Agyari’. The name itself suggests that they worship ‘fire’.

Navroz is considered to be the holiest festival of the Zoroastrians.
The Parsi delicacies have special importance on Navroz. There’s a dish called ‘Ravo’ that is made up of milk, sugar and suji and vermicelli (faluda) are the main Navroz breakfast dishes. There lunch usually consists of ‘Pulav’, ‘fish’ and many other non-vegetarian dishes.
The Navroz celebrations end on the 13th day of the new year known as ‘Sizdah be dar’.

Source: NYF

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