ajit newspaper,www.ajitjalandhar.com ajit, ajit jalandhar, punjabi tribune, daily ajit, jag bani

Hindi newspaper | ajit newspaper | Paper punjabi | Paper news | Punjabi newspaper punjab | Daily ajit punjabi newspaper

Ajit newspaper is leading daily Punjabi news paper. It is world’s no. 1 Punjabi newspaper is frequented by Punjabi folks from across the world. This newspaper is widely acclaimed by the common people, as it publishes all the information related to their daily life.

This newspaper is available in both ePaper and website format. Epaper format of ajit is just like reading the printed newspaper but online.This newspaper is more used compare to other newspaper in Punjab.

If you want to read Ajit e-paper newspaper online visit at www.newspaper.ajitjalandhar.com

TAgs:ajit newspaper,ajit, ajit jalandhar, punjabi tribune, daily ajit, jag bani

Source From ; http://chpraveenkumar143.blogspot.com/2010/09/ajit-newspaperwwwajitjalandharcom-ajit.html

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1 Respones to "ajit newspaper,www.ajitjalandhar.com ajit, ajit jalandhar, punjabi tribune, daily ajit, jag bani"

Khalil Huseni said...

Nice post by You, this kind of online Punjabi Newspaper is really helpful for getting news from India and specially from Punjab for those people who are staying out of India.

December 12, 2012 at 1:08 AM icon_delete13

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