blue bloods,blue blood, tom selleck, donnie wahlberg, magnum pi, new kids

'Blue Bloods' (10PM ET Friday, CBS) sounds good on paper.

Yet despite its good cast and competent execution, this drama about a family of New York cops feels a bit perfunctory. There's nothing necessarily wrong with the drama, which is ably headed by Tom Selleck, but there's every chance that 'Blue Bloods' will turn out to be just another cop show.

We aren't short of those.

I suppose there's a small chance that 'Blue Bloods' could turn out to be something more than the sum of its parts, a la 'The Good Wife,' which turned out to be more than just another legal drama (though the law cases are often timely and provocative enough to be interesting on their own).

But the majority of the 'Blue Bloods' pilot concerns the kidnapping of a little girl, and there's every reason to believe that upcoming episodes will similarly focus on the case of the week.

There will be an ongoing plot going forward, but as 'Burn Notice' has proved, an ongoing thread can actually become quite frustrating when it is relentlessly shoved into the margins. (I sometimes wonder, when it comes to 'Burn Notice.' if there's a command from on high that the show's mythology can never take up more than 10 or 15 percent of an episode. In 'Burn Notice's' most recent season, this rigidity came close to giving me an aneurysm, because the restricted screen time regarding the show's mythology caused the story about who burned who to feel ever more muddled, cramped and rushed.)

.com/blogger_img_proxy/On 'Blue Bloods,' Selleck is effortlessly commanding as New York police commissioner Frank Reagan, an imposing man who, with a single look, can make the mayor of the Big Apple seem like a pipsqueak. Such is the power of the 'stache. OK, I kid. Of course, Selleck's mustache is as luxuriant as ever, but even more impressive is his quietly charismatic presence. He's absolutely believable as a man who has successfully navigated the treacherous and dangerous waters of the police force and New York politics.
TAgs:blue bloods,blue blood, tom selleck, donnie wahlberg, magnum pi, new kids
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