APSCSC Recruitment 2010 in andhra pradesh www.apscsc.gov.in jobs official site is give below

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APSCSC Recruitment 2010 – Various vacancies in Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited . APSCSC invites applications for recruiting assorted posts in Grade I, II, III categories from eligible and desirous candidates in prescribed application format before the last date. More details related to APSCSC recruitment like name of the post, no. of vacancies, how to apply, instruction and conditions are as follows:

APSCSC Recruitment 2010

Accountant Grade
  1. Accountant Grade I, Total posts: 29
  2. Accountant Grade II, Total posts: 46
  3. Accountant Grade III, Total posts: 24
Technical Grade :
  1. Technical Assistant Grade I, Total posts: 49
  2. Technical Assistants Grade II, Total posts: 5
  3. Technical Assistant Grade III, Total posts: 24
Assistant Grade :
  1. Assistant Grade I, Total posts: 01
  2. Assistant Grade II, Total posts: 62
  3. Assistant Grade III, Total posts: 34
Age Limit: 39 years for all posts

Application Fee : Rs. 500 per Application and Rs. 250 for SC/ STs as well as no price for PH candidates.

Submission of application form: Candidates may submit application form in prescribed application format before the last date to the following address:
 Coordinator (Training), Institute of Public Enterprise, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad – 500007, Andhra Pradesh

Important link: Complete advertisement

More Information: For complete APSCSC Recruitment 2010  Recruitment 2010 details like qualification, experience, age limit, how to apply,  selection procedure, online application format and any other details visit official website of Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited and enter your email id below for sarkari naukri l atest updates and future APSCSC Recruitment notification

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